Black Friday & Beyond!

At the last minute we decided to put together some beneficial services together to assist our clients!

This Black Friday in addition to offering a photo special we decided to add on our coaching /consulting services and offer our social media post management services! We also added finally our Social Media Toolkit Workbook and Resource Guide.

Now this effort didn’t come without its fair share of challenges. I mean besides waiting until the last minute to put something together, we ran into computer system problems resulting in a mobile computer repairman coming to the house.

So when we thought we were racing against time to hurry and get offers set up on the website, email blast and social media post.

We finally got things completed. Like they say delay is not denial and we were able to get our offers published.

Like I tell any of our clients that are starting the process of showing up for their business. It may not be perfect, but it’s published!

Cheers to making Black Friday and Beyond Offers!