Random Word Dump Challenge

I ran out of words

So recently I did something that I haven't done in awhile and that was to do a random word dump.

I know your asking what is that??!! That is when I take out a piece of paper and I feel it up with random words without stopping. Once I begin the goal is to feel up the sheet with words that come to mind until I completely fill up the page. This technique or exercise I use as apart of a meditation process.

At times in my life the world just seems to be moving so very fast around you and I sometimes get so caught up in the everyday hustle bustle of life, I need a moment in order to slow down and process all that is happening.

5-7 stillness meditations

word find puzzles

breathing exercises

coloring /drawing

random word dump challenges

The funny thing is while I was doing the random word dump challenge, I begin to slow down and think to long about what these random thoughts and words were going to be next on the paper.

I realize I definitely need to put this back into my regular routine because the way I begin to slow down, I was questioning myself and my thoughts :)

We completed the random word dump and we did fill up the page.

Let me know if this is a challenge that you have ever done (comment below)

Also what are some of your practices that you incorporate in your life to slow down a bit?

Everyday Writing 2020

Vibe High