Yay we made it! We officially have made it halfway through our #100daydreamchallenge.
We joined one of our favorite social media influencer Brother Ben X for a challenge of doing something for 100 days straight. I decided I wanted to commit to blog posting for the next 100 days straight.
Yes, indeed you heard me 100 days straight of blogging. I was inspired several years ago to blog or write everyday by Seth Godin. If you follow his blog or you receive emails from him, It’s something written everyday to his audience. Most times that I write or have thoughts about something I either pull out my notebook and write or take out my phone and jot down notes on the app. When I write I date everything I do. During this challenge, many times I was able to refer back to many of my previous notes and thoughts to provide myself with word for the blog. It allow me when I didn’t feel like I had much to say, I was able to pull out from the archive that has already been written. So today we celebrate as we continue on this journey. We are officially half way there. Yay Me!!!