
Anything is Possible

"Anything is possible when you are committed"

This quote I came across this evening and found it befitting for me currently working to complete a few digital products that have been in the works. The moment I felt like throwing in the towel and working to completion at another time. It was at that moment I gave myself a little self talk and encouragement. I reiterated to myself that I can do it and I have to keep going. As a result it gave me a second wind! I not only was able to complete what I was working on it allow more information to flow through me providing more to project! I'm happy that I stayed committed and kept going~

Faith- Free Download!

In these trying times and with so much going on in the world now more than ever people need a prayer they need something positive to keep them going and for most of us We got to have FAITH to get us through.

For years, I’ve rode around with my faith image and a bottle of mustard seeds right next to them. When I’m feeling down and I need to overcome I simply open up the bottle and take out one and look at how small it is and read over the bible verse Matthew : 17:20

 “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. “

We want to encourage today and always keep the Faith Keep holding on.. and when in doubt measure it up with holding in your hand a mustard seed!


Faith Mustard Seeds  Bible Verse