
For my birthday last month a good friend of mine gifted me with a book. It came at a wonderful surprise. I was visiting her while out of town and we scheduled a meetup. As we were finishing up our meeting and it was time for me to head out she handed me a present. I’m like what is this and she goes on to tell me it was a birthday gift. I was so delighted to receive I opened it up and soon as I read the title it spoke very clear to me! You owe You! At the present moment I absolutely needed that message.

I was so happy to receive the gift! It came at such a perfect time.

Have you ever received a gift and it immediately spoke to you? Let me know in the comments below.

You Owe You

For my birthday last month a good friend of mine gifted me with a book. It came at a wonderful surprise. I was visiting her while out of town and we scheduled a meetup. As we were finishing up our meeting and it was time for me to head out she handed me a present. I’m like what is this and she goes on to tell me it was a birthday gift. I was so delighted to receive I opened it up and soon as I read the title it spoke very clear to me! You owe You! At the present moment I absolutely needed that message.

I was so happy to receive the gift! It came at such a perfect time.

Have you ever received a gift and it immediately spoke to you? Let me know in the comments below.

Quick Guide for Mindset Shifts

I recently begin reading the book the Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. This was recommended by one of my favorite Podcast. In reading this book it inspired me to really begin to do self reflection and to see what it is that I really want. As I was reading the book I realize that there are some habits that I do I just don’t organize my morning in the way he advises in the book. By reading this book it has really inspired me to begin to implement habits that will allow me to live my best life every. We have the power to do so in the palm of our hands. If we would only realize how powerful we are. So if you are looking for inspiration and a quick guide to assist in shifting your mindset I would definitely recommend reading the book The Morning Miracle!