
7 Mind Shifting Book Suggestions

Recently we wrote a blog post entitle The Key Formula in which we discussed the general key to life is our thoughts and thinking. Today we are providing suggestions on books that provide a shift in your thoughts .

  1. Master Key System – Charles Hanel

  2. Think & Grow Rick Napoleon Hill

  3. The Alchemist- Paulo Coelho

  4. The Magic of Thinking Big- David J. Schwartz

  5. The Miracle Morning – Hal Elrod

  6. The Power of Concentration – Theron Q. Dumont

  7. Write it down make it happen -Henriette Klauser

What are some mind shifting books that you have read that should be added to the list comment below!

It’s Our Anniversary Cheers to 16 years!

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High

The Key Formula

The Key Formula to Life is our thoughts and our thinking. All during this journey to build a business and me that would be successful and make money we have learned in this building process there is no such thing abra cadabra hocus pocus magical thing you can do the success in anything you do comes from the level of thoughts you have. If you have faith it will & can be done than it will be done.

While building in this photography and having a steady flow of customer we were learning in the business but just as important we were working on self development that would help us be a better person in the business and to believer that what we were doing is all worth it. So the key formula :

Get your thoughts together.

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High

Second Time Around

I’m excited once again to announce that I am 50 days in on the #100daydreamchallenge second time around. I’m so happy to work on developing the habit of writing everyday. I was inspired many years ago by marketing guru Seth Godin as he writes a blog post everyday. That was a goal of mine and it wasn’t until earlier this year when Social Media Influencer Brother Ben X proposed a challenge to his followers to do something for 100 days in a row. For me that something was to write a blog post everyday! I successfully completed the #100daydreamchallenge in June and decided to start again. So here we are 50 days in second time around and I’m excited to keep this going! So I encourage you to challenge yourself to doing something (anything) for the next 100 days. See how committed you will be to the process.

Today I celebrate the halfway point of the challenge and look forward to keep going!

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High