Blog everyday

100 Day Dream Challenge- Completed

Once again we are happy to announced that are 100 day dream challenge is complete.

For the 3rd time we have completed this challenge. So if this is your 1st time visited our page this challenge was presented to us late last year by one of our social media influencers that we follow. The challenge was to commit to yourself to do something everyday for the next 100 days straight. For me, I chose to make a blog post everyday. I mean really how hard can that be seeing that I’m pretty consistent on social media. Well it’s quite a personal accomplishment, but there are times that life is lifing and the day gets away from you and just when you think you are free in clear to go to bed and relax you are reminded about your commitment to blog something everyday!

Well I’m thankful to the challenge and I want to keep going. So what’s a girl to do , but start this thing all over for 2023.

100 day dream challenge is restarted. So cheers to another 100 days of blog posting…. Let’s Go!

Everyday Writing 2023

Vibe High

We Begin Again!

We are happy and excited to start this #100daydreamchallenge over again.

This challenge was introduced to us by one of our online influencer Brother Ben X he challenged his followers to do something for the next 100 days. I decided to commit to blogging everyday for 100 days. That was something I’ve always wanted to do I always admired

Seth Godin , he blogs something everyday.

So today is the 1st day of the next 100 days of blogging! This will be my 3rd time this year!!! Yay me!!!

Stay tune for more blog post to come!!!

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High

We did it Again~!

Wow! It's hard to believe that we once again completed the #100daydreamchallenge

Our daily challenge of writing a blog once a day for the last 100 days. The exciting part for us is that this is our 2nd go around, so we have been writing for 200 days in a row! I'm so proud of the commitment to accept and complete this challenge. The best thing I can do is to keep going. They say after 21 days you create a new habit, but what about 100 days or for us 200 days!!!! Let's just keep going we might as well we are on a roll!!!!

Cheers to the completion of the 100 day dream challenge!

We begin again! Day one starts tomorrow!

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High

Second Time Around

I’m excited once again to announce that I am 50 days in on the #100daydreamchallenge second time around. I’m so happy to work on developing the habit of writing everyday. I was inspired many years ago by marketing guru Seth Godin as he writes a blog post everyday. That was a goal of mine and it wasn’t until earlier this year when Social Media Influencer Brother Ben X proposed a challenge to his followers to do something for 100 days in a row. For me that something was to write a blog post everyday! I successfully completed the #100daydreamchallenge in June and decided to start again. So here we are 50 days in second time around and I’m excited to keep this going! So I encourage you to challenge yourself to doing something (anything) for the next 100 days. See how committed you will be to the process.

Today I celebrate the halfway point of the challenge and look forward to keep going!

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High

And we're back

This past weekend I met up with my brother his wife and my cousin and his lady and we spent the weekend in Orlando, Florida. We ate fellowship, sat poolside ran the streets of Orlando enjoying the little getaway that we had and before you know it we were packing our bags back up and headed back home!

Totally enjoyed my time away and it was great seeing my cousin who I hadn't seen in a good amount of years.

Full of Gratitude for a terrific weekend! Thank you more please!

Poolside with Family

Orlando, Florida TSA line early in the am

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High

Restarting the 100 Day Challenge!

Now that we have completed our 100 day challenge we’ve decided to jump right back in and continue to blog once again for the next 100 days. We’ve set up our halfway point which is in August and the next completion date is October. Besides challenging myself to write everyday, I’m going to incorporate something else to my daily routine. So here we are inside of day one for the next 100 days!

Stay tuned for more thoughts, images, inspirations and ideas to come up on our blog for our 100 day challenge reloaded!

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High

5 Ways to Preserve your Photo Memories

One day it will all be History!
Your pictures you take today will will provide you with a visual story to tell. Up and Down my timeline on Social media I'm seeing all the graduates from pre- School to College and its such a beautiful site to see.
Congratulations to all the Graduates during this season! Best wishes for a successful & productive future! May all your goals and visions come to life!

During this time lots of images are being capture to celebrate and remember this moment in time.

While we are caught up in the moment and in some cases the memory will be just a post on social media. I'm going to list a few ways that you can take the digital images you are creating by phone or photo shoot images and give a few ideas on how to preserve the memories.

  1. Print out the images from a photo lab

  2. Create a photo Album ( Shutterfly, Walgreens, Sam's Club)

  3. Create a Website or Blog to remember the time (Blogger, WordPress)

  4. Create a memory box (store all items that you would like to save)

  5. Create a Scrap Book (This is a fun keepsake)

What are some other ideas that you have to preserve your memories of a moment. Make sure to leave a comment below

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High

The Battle

**Note to Self**

The Battle: Fighting every day to spring in new thoughts and ideas but those old behavior patterns come sneaking back when you least expect it. Thank God for awareness. We are going to keep recognizing those thoughts that keep us in a down place and we are going to recognize the power within to change our thoughts and produce a whole new reality!

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High

When Life Gives you that Moment

“When Life gives you that moment… take a picture” Lately I’ve been going through plenty of image from photo sessions I’ve captured over the years. It brings back really fond memories. The places and people we have captured. It really keeps you locked into the moment. I’ve even been going through photos from our family albums and looking at moments that have gone passed. Some images I just stare off and remember a time others which are classic moments before I was born and I try to imagine the time period and what life was like for members of my family. It is with those special images that is a reminder take a picture. Capture a moment. I believe the future generations will be glad you did.

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High

Top 5 Location in Atlanta for a Photo Session

Atlanta is a beautiful place with lots of location choices when you decide you would like to schedule a photo session. When a client reaches out to us and decides they are interested in a photo session one of the top questions they ask is what do we suggest for a good location.

So we always provide them with a location guide that gives a general idea of locations. Some we've visited over and over and some we added as a great choice for a location. Today we are providing 5 popular locations for photo session in or around the Atlanta area!

  1. Piedmont Park - Great Location; Large lots of variety at the right area of the park you are able to capture a cityscape of Atlanta

  2. Centennial Olympic Park - Great Location in the heart of downtown once again you are able to capture the cityscape of Atlanta variety of location for a great capture

  3. Old Forth Ward Park- Once again this is a great location, lots of scenic areas to take photos including water surrounding the park and waterfall area! Lots of Greenery and Areas for Great Photos

  4. Krog Street Graffiti Tunnel - If you are looking for a urban look for your photos this location fits the bill. Plenty of free street party and a variety of colorful murals and art up and down the street and in the tunnel

  5. Atlantic Station - Once again this is a great location, variety of scenic places to capture great images. This Location has water bridge and lots of greenery surrounding the area.

There you have it a short list of great location around Atlanta for all occasion photo sessions.

If you are looking for family session, birthday , branding or headshot photo session check out the locations we've mentioned above.

Headshots Personality Photos

When a picture can communicate allot about who you are…

I know you’ve been told over and over that you are your brand and really it’s true….

Your Smile

Your Clothes the way you carry yourself has everything to do with branding…

So we are here to help you communicate that message through images.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words we want to help yours speak volumes!!!!

Contact us today about a personality branding session !

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High

“I get crickets.... “

Over the years being on a variety of social media platforms and starting a blog, it's never been a lot of followers but we've always work to post and stay consistent with our posting.

Consistency creates confidence... yes there are many times you can post something and it seems like no one listening at all but believe you me folks that are interested in your product or service will come around!!! Just be consistent!  True story... I started a blog in 2008 and I really had no idea what I was doing, but I would still just post about things that I was working on fast forward the year was 2011 and I begin to get orders from custom party supplies that I created... The success of the collection went on for a few years after... why... I was consistent and my content became top of google search ... not because I was a SEO guru ... because I was consistent even when it seem I was talking to myself.

Fast forward to May 2022! I'm apart of a 100 day consistency challenge. My challenge is to write a blog post everyday for 100 days! So far so good! We've been going strong! Just a few days we are at the halfway point 50 days of posting everyday! #consistency

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High

The after party!

Being a special event photographer for a number of years, a few things I’ve learned about it is this after everything is said and done there is the after party. So we put a few words together to describe the importance of capturing special memories from milestone moments in life.

When everything is over 

The cake has been cut 

The food has been eaten 

The special guest have spoken 

The music has been played 

The band has dismantled 

The room is being cleaned up 

You gathered your belongings to head out the door… what is left from an exciting memorable evening of social connection laughter and fun will be the images capture of a night that has now became an instant memory and tomorrow you can live to tell the story of what took place and the beauty of telling the story you can back it up with an image of what took place on this magical night!

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High

10 Types of Special Events to Capture

Kustom Kreation Photography has been capturing special events for over a decade now.

We’ve had the opportunity to create special memories for a variety of life’s special moments!

We pride ourselves on creating and connecting with our clients for these meaningful times. We’ve created a list of the top 10 Social Events that we’ve had the pleasure of capturing over the years.

  1. Birthday Party (child, teen, Adult, Elder)

  2. Anniversary Celebration

  3. Baby Shower Celebration

  4. Graduations

  5. Workshop/Conference Event

  6. Family Reunion

  7. Prom/Homecoming

  8. Festival

  9. Back to School

  10. Holiday Party (Christmas, Halloween, Valentine, New Years)

What’s your favorite type of event to host or attend? Comment Below

Kustom Kreation Photography– Capture Memories to preserve for generations to come

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High

My Experience with Special Events Photography

When I first began in photography and I purchased my 1st DSLR Camera I was super excited to be able to create beautiful imagery with this new over $500 purchase. Now that I have this big professional camera I’m in the Big League now!

When I began taking pictures I was capturing a lot of photo sessions mainly families and friends that needed updated images. The event wasn’t too long after doing that that I landed a job capturing a special event. When I did it was pretty fun, I didn’t worry about a lot of lighting challenges and my subjects didn’t have to be placed in front of a backdrop I was just able to go around and capture what I thought were meaningful images of an event. Before too long I was booking lots of events and became a go-to photographer for all things special events.

As I began to hone in on the skill I had in mind that I wanted to have magazine-worthy images. Over the years we have had features in magazines and many copyright release forms have been signed by corporate entities to use our images for different projects as they occurred.

Today you can book us for your next special event we would be delighted to create memorable images for you!

Kustom Kreation Photography

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High

Building a Company From Scratch!

Just start.

So I want to create an e-course and e-book using the information I’ve gained over the years as it relates to starting my company. (Kustom Kreation Photography, The Kustom Shop)

I began my photography company by just taking pictures. I seized every opportunity to capture. I wanted to capture each and every thing. I also figured in my head that most of the pictures I would take for people would have to be done on the weekends because most people I know worked during the week. Yep so my availability for the weekend was wide open. Saturday’s and Sunday if at all necessary. Then I got to a point I figured because most of the work I was doing was social events. Clients wanted me for a couple of hours so I figured I would have time to squeeze at least 3 events in a day. I eventually was able to do so. That wasn’t something I did often, the way traffic is set up in Atlanta you will never know what it will take to get you there. So while I filled my calendar and allowed the years to go by... during the week.

As a self sufficient entrepreneur we decided we would solicit and create our custom party supplies during the week. So that is what we created... social events on the weekend and custom party supplies during the week. This has went on for quite a number of years.

Creating something from scratch

We have been creating various digital ebooks & guides using our personal journey in building a business

Click Here to search our catalog of guides.

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High