Challenge completed

100 Day Dream Challenge- Completed

Once again we are happy to announced that are 100 day dream challenge is complete.

For the 3rd time we have completed this challenge. So if this is your 1st time visited our page this challenge was presented to us late last year by one of our social media influencers that we follow. The challenge was to commit to yourself to do something everyday for the next 100 days straight. For me, I chose to make a blog post everyday. I mean really how hard can that be seeing that I’m pretty consistent on social media. Well it’s quite a personal accomplishment, but there are times that life is lifing and the day gets away from you and just when you think you are free in clear to go to bed and relax you are reminded about your commitment to blog something everyday!

Well I’m thankful to the challenge and I want to keep going. So what’s a girl to do , but start this thing all over for 2023.

100 day dream challenge is restarted. So cheers to another 100 days of blog posting…. Let’s Go!

Everyday Writing 2023

Vibe High

We did it Again~!

Wow! It's hard to believe that we once again completed the #100daydreamchallenge

Our daily challenge of writing a blog once a day for the last 100 days. The exciting part for us is that this is our 2nd go around, so we have been writing for 200 days in a row! I'm so proud of the commitment to accept and complete this challenge. The best thing I can do is to keep going. They say after 21 days you create a new habit, but what about 100 days or for us 200 days!!!! Let's just keep going we might as well we are on a roll!!!!

Cheers to the completion of the 100 day dream challenge!

We begin again! Day one starts tomorrow!

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High

100 Day Dream Challenge- Completed

I’m am so excited that I’ve officially completed the #100daydreamchallenge

This challenge was presented by one of my favorite online influencers Brother Ben X

to challenge his audience to decide to do something for the next 100 days. During that time he even asked the question when is the last time you did anything for 100 days straight. That started me to thinking. In actuality I don’t know of anything that I actually challenge myself to do for 100 days straight. I decided to write a blog post daily. So for 100 days straight I’ve posted on my blog. This challenge has really encourage me to keep going. I was inspired to write daily a few years ago when I subscribed to Seth Godin Blog I admired the fact that he writes a blog post daily. I’m patting myself on the back, whistling Dixie.. and even break dancing (not really , but in my head) that I officially completed the challenge. This has gave me a daily habit of writing and I would like to continue posting daily! Here’s to a challenge of daily content!