Write Now

“I get crickets.... “

Over the years being on a variety of social media platforms and starting a blog, it's never been a lot of followers but we've always work to post and stay consistent with our posting.

Consistency creates confidence... yes there are many times you can post something and it seems like no one listening at all but believe you me folks that are interested in your product or service will come around!!! Just be consistent!  True story... I started a blog in 2008 and I really had no idea what I was doing, but I would still just post about things that I was working on fast forward the year was 2011 and I begin to get orders from custom party supplies that I created... The success of the collection went on for a few years after... why... I was consistent and my content became top of google search ... not because I was a SEO guru ... because I was consistent even when it seem I was talking to myself.

Fast forward to May 2022! I'm apart of a 100 day consistency challenge. My challenge is to write a blog post everyday for 100 days! So far so good! We've been going strong! Just a few days we are at the halfway point 50 days of posting everyday! #consistency

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High

The after party!

Being a special event photographer for a number of years, a few things I’ve learned about it is this after everything is said and done there is the after party. So we put a few words together to describe the importance of capturing special memories from milestone moments in life.

When everything is over 

The cake has been cut 

The food has been eaten 

The special guest have spoken 

The music has been played 

The band has dismantled 

The room is being cleaned up 

You gathered your belongings to head out the door… what is left from an exciting memorable evening of social connection laughter and fun will be the images capture of a night that has now became an instant memory and tomorrow you can live to tell the story of what took place and the beauty of telling the story you can back it up with an image of what took place on this magical night!

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High

Reflections of April 2022!

Thank you what a blessed month.

April started off with assisting with birthday celebration for Cori (My friend Vanessa’s daughter) which we had a great time helping out with all the details for this art show birthday party.

From that we sprung right into the great fast of Ramadan. 

We were able to push the reset button by participating in the fast. Daily prayer calls in the Ramadan Prayer line no food and drink from sun up to sun down and the reading of The Holy Quran. 

We also have been participating in the 100 day dream challenge. Our challenge for the next 100 days is to blog everyday to stay consistent with creating content and using our words to inspire.

We’ve been able to maintain our social media posts of inspiration on our Instagram & Facebook



And introduction to our digital guides (Click Here) to check them out

No rush for the month to end but like anything else it’s funny how time flies when your having fun… 

Daily goals early nights to bed 

Early risings and just like that we are in the month of May! 

Everything Writing 2022

Vibe High

Be Free...

A reminder to stop blocking your blessing and you can do this by blocking the mindset of the belief of limiting your possibilities.

Be open to all the positive things that can happen vs what could go wrong

That’s the difference between living a fulfilling life and one with limitations. 

Everyday Writing 2022
Positive Vibing 

My Experience with Special Events Photography

When I first began in photography and I purchased my 1st DSLR Camera I was super excited to be able to create beautiful imagery with this new over $500 purchase. Now that I have this big professional camera I’m in the Big League now!

When I began taking pictures I was capturing a lot of photo sessions mainly families and friends that needed updated images. The event wasn’t too long after doing that that I landed a job capturing a special event. When I did it was pretty fun, I didn’t worry about a lot of lighting challenges and my subjects didn’t have to be placed in front of a backdrop I was just able to go around and capture what I thought were meaningful images of an event. Before too long I was booking lots of events and became a go-to photographer for all things special events.

As I began to hone in on the skill I had in mind that I wanted to have magazine-worthy images. Over the years we have had features in magazines and many copyright release forms have been signed by corporate entities to use our images for different projects as they occurred.

Today you can book us for your next special event we would be delighted to create memorable images for you!

Kustom Kreation Photography

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High

Random Word Dump Challenge

I ran out of words

So recently I did something that I haven't done in awhile and that was to do a random word dump.

I know your asking what is that??!! That is when I take out a piece of paper and I feel it up with random words without stopping. Once I begin the goal is to feel up the sheet with words that come to mind until I completely fill up the page. This technique or exercise I use as apart of a meditation process.

At times in my life the world just seems to be moving so very fast around you and I sometimes get so caught up in the everyday hustle bustle of life, I need a moment in order to slow down and process all that is happening.

5-7 stillness meditations

word find puzzles

breathing exercises

coloring /drawing

random word dump challenges

The funny thing is while I was doing the random word dump challenge, I begin to slow down and think to long about what these random thoughts and words were going to be next on the paper.

I realize I definitely need to put this back into my regular routine because the way I begin to slow down, I was questioning myself and my thoughts :)

We completed the random word dump and we did fill up the page.

Let me know if this is a challenge that you have ever done (comment below)

Also what are some of your practices that you incorporate in your life to slow down a bit?

Everyday Writing 2020

Vibe High

Just a Reminder

Today is Just a reminder!

Keep Going!

Whatever you have started complete it!

Whatever goal you set out to accomplish keep working toward it

Whatever plans you have for the week keep crossing items off your list

Whatever changes in life you are making keep making them

Whatever curve balls are being thrown at you keep dodging them

Whatever you do Just keep Going!

Keep Growing

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High

Highlights of Life

There are some days that are such beautiful highlights in my life that I try and repeat them again… but I understand that each day is unique and the experience you had before is a memory and there is not a repeat. Take each time to enjoy the present. Embrace the Highlights and hold dear the memories.

Planning something

Nothing feels better than actually planning something. For an event making a trip or doing something within your business, the feeling of exhilaration feels real good as you brainstorm and put together ideas for the execution of what you plan.

So it’s time to look at the calendar and see what we can get to planning :)

Vacations Plans

Party Planning

Future Planning

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High

When your Happy and You Know it!

One of the things that make me super happy and exciting is being able to have my camera out and capture not just memories but pieces of are... my camera is my paint brush and the world becomes my canvas... I like to sit back and just see what I can capture... especially when I’m with a group.

There so much beauty unfolding and I just want to be able to paint the story with my photographs... #lifeinfullbloom

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High!